Plant Paddle

Join us for our Explanation of Aquatic Plants Tour on August 31st. The Village works with both the Lake County Health Department and Clarke Environmental services to determine the best treatment for a healthy balance of vegetation in the lakes. The date has been set for August 31st at 3:00. Join us with your kayak, paddle board or canoe over by the Mariner’s Cove boat launch on Third Lake.

Plant Paddle

Join us for our Explanation of Aquatic Plants Tour on August 31st. The Village works with both the Lake County Health Department and Clarke Environmental services to determine the best treatment for a healthy balance of vegetation in the lakes. The date has been set for August 31st at 3:00. Join us with your kayak, paddle board or canoe over by the Mariner’s Cove boat launch on Third Lake. There is no fee for this event so if you wish to participate, email us at to be added to our attendance list. We hope to see you there!